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兴味盎然,乐趣启航:记国际部中学2023 ECA FAIR


记国际部中学2023 ECA FAIR



ECA Fair


8月30日,欢声笑语在绿影婆娑、白云悠悠的宋校校园里回荡。原来,这一天是国际部中学一年一度的课外活动展(下称“ECA Fair”)。9大类别,共计81门课外活动社团在室内篮球馆搭建起了各类展台,精彩纷呈的展示和招新宣传接连上演,现场热闹非凡。

On August 30th, laughter and joy reverberated throughout the lush greenery under the floating clouds on SCLS’s campus. On this day, the annual Extracurricular Activity (ECA) Fair was held by the MS and HS International Division. Divided into nine categories, 81 ECA clubs set up vibrant booths within the indoor basketball court, showcasing their exciting displays and promotions. The atmosphere brimmed with energy and enthusiasm. 

课外活动(Extra Curricular Activity,简称ECA)是宋校国际部中学的多年来的特色传统。ECA作为课堂教学的有益补充,始终秉持着“以兴趣激发潜能”、“让热爱成为生活的必修课”的初衷。多年来课外活动课程数量不断增多,形式越发多样,不断培养学生的团队协作精神、创新思维和社交能力。

ECAs are a long-standing tradition and one special highlight of SCLS-ID’s whole-child curriculum. As a beneficial supplement to classroom teaching, ECAs uphold the spirit of “igniting potential through interest” and fomenting the passion required for lifelong learning. Over the years, the number and diversity of ECAs has continuously grown, nurturing students’ teamwork, innovative thinking, and social skills.


今年的ECA Fair亮点多多,接下来就请跟着学生记者站的小伙伴一起来看看吧!

This year’s ECA Fair included many highlights. Let’s take a look with our student journalists!



本次ECA Fair设在校室内体育馆,对比以往在国际部教学楼走廊设立的展览要宽敞很多。一来到展览现场,仿佛置身于一个奇妙的游乐场!

Compared to previous fairs in the E and F Building hallways, moving the fair to the spacious indoor basketball court made it feel like a wonderful carnival!

除了场地的改变,本次的展览分为九大区域,分别为Arts(艺术)、Sports(体育)、Humanities(人文)、Community(社区)、STEM(科学、技术、工程和数学)、Competitions(竞赛)、 Reading(阅读)、Games and Chess (棋类游戏)与ASP(课后学术辅导)。门类相同的ECA的摊位摆放紧凑,让同学们能更快地找到感兴趣的ECA。为了能够吸引更多同学关注社团,许多社团负责老师和同学都设计了精彩的展示和互动。

The fair was divided into 9 zones: Arts, Sports, Humanities, Community, STEM, Competitions, Reading, Games & Chess, and Academic Support Programs. Clubs within the same category were clustered together, allowing students to easily find ECAs of interest. To attract more students, many clubs designed interactive displays.


As the student journalists browsed, they were deeply absorbed by all the objects, posters, and models on exhibit. With so many novel and interesting things, it was easy to linger at a booth, only to turn around and find oneself surrounded by a gathered crowd.



这次ECA Fair多了许多由学生们创建的ECA,比如模拟联合国、摄影社、Herstory in Literature and Film等。创建属于自己的ECA不但是一个挖掘自己感兴趣领域的契机,还能够锻炼自己的规划能力与领导能力。

This year’s ECA Fair featured many new clubs founded by students themselves, like Model United Nations, Photography Society, and Herstory in Literature and Film. Creating their own club was not only an opportunity to explore an area of interest, but also honed students’ planning and leadership skills. 

这里告诉大家一个“小秘密”:为了能够成功设立课程,这些创始人们从上学期开始就做了完整的规划,并在进行正式的校内提案会后才得以顺利开创自己的ECA!在ECA Fair现场,虽然一些初创ECA的学生们在刚开始时略显拘谨,但在一次次的讲解中慢慢变得游刃有余。

Here’s a “little secret:” To successfully establish a club, these founding students began initial planning last semester and gained approval after presenting formal proposals. 


At their booths, friends came to show support, teachers encouraged them, and interested students came to learn more, ultimately leading most of these student-created ECAs to very successful launches. 

国际部中学 ECA Fair 2023




This year, parents were invited to join students for the first time. The gym bustled as parents and children circulated around booths, pausing to listen as club founders explained ECAs of interest. In lounge areas, small groups gathered: some parents spoke with teachers to learn more about ECAs, while others discussed with their children which of the many appealing options to choose from...

负责国际部中学ECA的副校长Mr. Lister在展览现场与家长们交流时表示:学校一直重视学生全面发展,提供广泛的课外活动机会。此次展览日希望增进家长对学校教育理念的理解,也让家长看到孩子多才多艺的一面。这无疑将加强学校与家庭的密切配合,为孩子创造更加美好的学习环境。充实有益的课外活动是现代教育的重要组成部分,也是学校全面关注每一位学生成长的体现。

The Vice Principal in charge of ECAs, Mr. Lister, spoke with parents and shared that the school has always emphasized well-rounded development and provided extensive ECA opportunities. This fair aimed to deepen parents’ understanding of our school’s educational philosophy and showcase students’ diverse talents. Undoubtedly this would strengthen cooperation between SCLS-ID and families to create an even better learning environment for students. Enriching extracurricular activities are an important part of modern education, reflecting the school’s commitment to nurturing the growth of every student.


Parents raved about the event. One mother remarked: “I’m so happy to join the ECA Fair with my daughter. I feel SCLS-ID provides an excellent growth platform for students. These activities not only elevate children's interests and abilities, but also let them make more friends and grow up happily.”

宋奶奶说:“把最宝贵的东西给予儿童。”这句话深深刻在宋校每位老师和学生心中。而国际部中学的ECA Fair正是这个宗旨的最佳诠释,它为学生成长提供了丰富的养分,为学生走向美好未来铺就广阔道路。小记者们衷心祝愿我们都能成为探索世界的勇敢小船,在知识、乐趣、人生的海洋中展开帆布,驶向属于自己的远方。

As Madame Soong said, “Give children the most valuable things.” This motto is engraved in the hearts of every SCLS teacher and student. The ECA Fair perfectly embodies this spirit, nourishing students’ growth and paving a broad path to a bright future. Our student journalists sincerely wish for us all to become brave ships exploring the world, unfurling our sails in the ocean of knowledge, charting our own course ahead.




英文审核Josh Yager
