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早申捷报!2022届高中毕业生特辑 | Emma Gonzalez Cueto:上海和宋校创造出的我的人生


"I wanted to go somewhere 

with a small, close-knit community like SCLS."



G12 Graduate of SCLS International Division

Emma Gonzalez Cueto



Macalester College

美国U.S. News世界大学排名第27名(文理学院类)


01 我与宋校,难以忘怀的六年

My Memories of SCLS






I joined SCLS a couple weeks before my 12th birthday. I had only been in China for about three weeks, so I hadn’t yet made any friends. However, since my mom was a new teacher here, I had spent a lot of time with other staff members. I celebrated by inviting the teachers and cooking pancakes for them. The next year, after I had settled in more, I invited my friends to watch Black Panther and have lunch. When I think about what I love most about my time here, I think of the closeness that allowed me to have these strong relationships and how they taught me to enjoy life. It is those connections, formed through the Drama program and photography, that I will miss the most when I am gone.


人生中戏剧种子也是在宋校时播种萌发。7年级时,我参加了戏剧老师Mrs. Harper教授的戏剧选修课,并参与排演的我的首部戏剧作品《音乐镇》。一下子,戏剧似乎在老师的引导和同学们的投入中施展出了它的魔法,我被无法自拔地迷住了。之后,不断沉浸于戏剧课中的我报名参加了课后表演,主动发起了关于即兴戏剧的课后活动,其他同学也饶有兴趣地加入。在接下来的几年里,通过定期排练并举办年度演出,我们的戏剧社蓬勃壮大,我也结识了最亲密的一批朋友,与他们并肩前行,创造出梦幻般的人物和作品。正是通过戏剧这扇窗口,我在这方天地里忘情探索之余,也收获了更多的自信和时间管理能力,从而广泛地加入校飞盘队和学生会等不同的学生组织,在宋校生机盎然地吸收养分并自由成长,伸展着朝向更广阔世界的触角。

My drama career began in 7th grade, when I signed up for the drama elective taught by Mrs. Harper, the first drama teacher at SCLS. At the end of the year, we put on SCLS’s very first drama production: Musicville. I continued drama class every year since then and signed up for the after-school performances, as well. Every year, the program grew a little bit and we performed bigger, better shows like A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Seussical Jr., Honk! Jr., and Somewhere Nowhere. When Mrs. Harper left, the drama students were worried about not being able to continue drama the way she had taught us. So, I created an Improv ECA for myself and other students who were a part of the drama program to continue what Ms. Harper had started. At the end of the year, we put on a show. My classmate and I will be running this ECA again this year with the same goal. This is how I met my closest friends for the next few years, working side by side with them every year to create fantastical characters and places. As the program expanded, I was also able to meet and work with great students from other grades. Through these connections, I was able to work with many of them in other areas, such as the SCLS Wings Frisbee team and Student Council, and even create long-lasting connections with people from outside of Shanghai through the Educational Theater Association Festival. 

TEDx SoongChingLingSchool演讲,也有我的身影


I benefitted greatly from having small classes (and great teachers) at SCLS. They offer a safe environment for intellectual growth and experimentation. My Chinese classes specifically, allowed me to focus on learning because I was the only student. This also helped me build close relationships with my teachers Joanna Jiang and Grace Zhang, making class more fun. Last year, I took AP Chinese with Grace Zhang. She helped me expand my cultural perspective by engaging in genuine and authentic conversations with me. She asked me many questions about my perspectives as a foreigner from Argentina and the U.S living in Shanghai. These deep discussions allowed for me to practice my Chinese language skills and also to score a 5 on the AP Chinese Language and Culture exam. Additionally, seeing her willingness and eagerness to learn about western culture and the English language motivated me even more. This, as well as that Ms. Zhang never underestimated me and adjusted assignments accordingly, made learning feel easy! One of my favorite memories in this class was rehearsing my TEDx Talk with her after the AP exam was over. I could not have achieved a 5 on the exam or given a successful speech without her! 


 photo by Mr.Jim Litherland

02 拍下上海,记录我的爱

My Shots of Shanghai





My photography journey began in Shanghai when my grandfather gifted me my first camera, a tiny Canon Powershot SFX170 for my 12th birthday. I took it with me everywhere, and it was small enough to fit in my coat pocket. I took pictures pretty frequently for about two years. Then gradually, I began to take less and less photos. I stopped for about a year, maybe a year and a half even. Even though I didn’t have a clear reason for this at the time, I later realized that the reason for this was because I felt somewhat clueless and incompetent. I became frustrated as I thought I didn’t know how to “do photography correctly,” and I thought I wasn’t smart enough to learn or succeed. But as I saw other people posting their pictures on social media, my thinking began to change. Whenever I looked at them, I felt so calm. The more I saw, the more I realized I wanted to be able to produce something like that. So, I went out and resumed my photography. 


Just by trying and experimenting, I was already improving and learning! I began noticing things through my Canon EOS 200DII’s viewfinder, finding views from new angles which I previously would have ignored. In this way, I gained a new perspective.


Photography has given me a connection to Shanghai such that no other activity could offer me. When I photograph something, I capture something, be it a person, an animal, a moment, a flower, or even just a feeling, and freeze it in time to be able to hold forever, creating intimacy between me and that thing. Therefore, some of my favorite photographs are ones I have taken in Shanghai because they contain the connection I feel with this city.  In capturing these moments, I capture pieces of Shanghai not only for the world to see, but also to keep with me forever. 

03 心怀记忆,迎向未来

My Future Made by SCLS & Shanghai





This is how I knew in my journey of applying to college that I wanted to go somewhere with a small, close-knit community like SCLS but that would also give me the opportunities of a big city like Shanghai. Luckily, located in St. Paul, one of the Twin Cities of Minnesota, and with a student body of 2,049 students, Macalester does just that. And so, even though I am sad to leave, I know the Drama program at SCLS will continue growing, and I know that I will be able to participate in many new activities and connect with many new people, the same way I connected here. Just like roads I haven’t yet traveled lead me places I have been before, people I haven’t yet met will connect with the ‘old’ parts of me, the parts that Shanghai and SCLS have made. 

      HELLO, FUTURE !     

photo by Mr.Jim Litherland

撰文:Emma Gonzalez Cueto