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Primary School

How to apply for Domestic Division Primary School
Grade 1-5

Who can apply?

Shanghai local household registration (Hu Kou) holders or Hongkong /Macau /Taiwan permanent ID card holders.

(Remarks: Those who apply for new Grade 1 should be 6 years old and with a birth date no later than August 31)

How to apply?

The application procedure of SCLS will strictly follows the requirement of SHMEC for Compulsory Education Admission Regulations.

Apply for new grade 1

For detailed application procedure and timetable, please follow the latest admission policy released by SHMEC and login the enrollment system for compulsory education in Shanghai.

Apply for grade 2-5

Please fill out transfer student application form.

2023-2024 Tuition and Fee

Grade 1-5

RMB38,000/Semester;RMB 76,000/Year
G1-G4 RMB 38/day ;G5 Optional Meal(includes two snacks and one lunch) 
School Bus
RMB 1,000/month—RMB 1,200/month(based on the distance)
RMB 300 
(Remarks:All fees and tuition follows the standard and requirements set by SHMEC and price bureau)