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Principal's Welcome

Welcome from the Primary School Principal


Jeanne J. Sobo

Principal of International Division Primary School

Dear Parents,

It is my honor and pleasure to be a part of the Soong Ching Ling School (SCLS), representing a long history and culture of loving and caring for children, their education, and giving them the most valuable things. On behalf of our talented and wonderful primary teaching team and staff, we are delighted to welcome you to a flourishing and vibrant learning community where students are engaged in creative and innovative ways. The international school provides a motivating cultural blend of best practices that launch students to high academic achievements through challenging problem-solving and project-oriented lessons.

The Primary School, International Division, sets high standards of quality education and approaches to teaching and learning. In such a student-oriented environment, our dedicated teachers, through mentorship and support, share the same objectives with our SCLS families – to focus their attention on our students' well-being, competencies and both academic and personal goals, from our beautiful, green and majestic campus in QingPu, Shanghai, China, opening many doors around the world. 

Together we continually aim to promote a culture of excellence, dedication and team spirit in all areas of school life, while striving to equip each of our learners with the necessary skills and attributes to persevere, become self-assured, caring and responsible members of the global community who demonstrate integrity, do what's safe and healthy, and earn and give respect while becoming role models for future generations.

Whether you are the parent of a prospective new student or an existing member of the school community, we hope you will find our web content interesting and informative.  

Dear Students,

I am so happy to be a part of your life at school, and able to watch you learn and grow into mature, creative and internationally minded people.  It is a great responsibility, but also my great honor and privilege. The Primary School, International Division, is here to support and guide you into the future, using the power of knowledge, skills, the arts and creativity for shaping the life that you want and imagine.  Just like Madame Soong Ching Ling, remember to care for and value yourself and your education.  Set your standards high wherever you go in the world and remember to always be kind.

My best wishes to you!