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Class of 2023 Admissions Results Announced

Apr 06,2023


The seeds of success, sown tirelessly day and night across the seasons, eventually blossom into fruition in the warm spring breeze. The Shanghai Soong Ching Ling School Class of 2023 is a group of students who weathered unprecedented hardships, as they spent most of their high school studies under the turbulent pressure of the pandemic. Despite all their challenges, our students successfully alternated between online and offline classes and eventually reaped their unique harvest this spring!

How fortunate we are to be able to rejoice with our budding champions and celebrate their accomplishments together:

Shanghai Soong Ching Ling School wraps up another successful school year with an average of more than 4 college acceptance letters per student

A total of 45 students from the Shanghai Soong Ching Ling School Class of 2023 have received admission letters from overseas universities in various corners of the globe, achieving amazing results in countries and regions such as the USA, the UK, Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, China, and more. A total of 11 students (24%) have been accepted by the top 30 universities, 32 students (an astounding 71%) received offers from the top 50 universities, and every one of them (a total of 45) have been accepted into top 100 universities!

Competition continues to rise, yet top school offers are still coming in

The impact of the three pandemic years could be glimpsed in this year's application season. Admission rates at many prestigious universities hit new lows, while the total number of applicants continued climbing. Even under such dire circumstances, SCLS students charmed open one gate after another, utilizing their remarkable temperament and skills. Compared to previous years, this year, our students have scored even more diversified achievements.

U.S. universities are generally agreed to be the most difficult ones to apply, which makes it all the more exciting that the SCLS Class of 2023 has received acceptance letters from numerous US universities, including Northwestern, UCLA, UC-Berkeley, UNC-Chapel Hill, New York University, Vassar College, Richmond, Colby College, and other well-known universities and liberal arts colleges. In other countries and regions, SCLS students also excelled, winning offers from top-notch universities such as McGill University and the University of Toronto in Canada. Aside from these, our students have also been accepted into the University of Sydney in Australia, as well as the City University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in Hong Kong, China.

Never do our versatile students shy away from showing their independent personalities, nor are they daunted by researching niche schools or majors. Our students were welcomed by top art schools such as Emerson College, Parsons School of the Arts, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and Pratt Institute of Art. SCLS students are the embodiment of individualized education, an ideal that SCLS has always advocated, and our students aim high in their pursuit of knowledge across various fields ranging from the humanities, arts, engineering, computer science, applied mathematics, and psychology. 

Admissions|Exciting News
University acceptance results of the Class of 2023 are provided below (total number of applicants that have received offers by now: 45):

US 美国

From U.S. universities, we received a total of 175 acceptances, including 60 from US News Top 50 universities, 11 from US News Top 50 liberal arts colleges, and 5 from QS World Top 10 art schools.

UK 英国

We received 13 acceptances from the UK, with 2 from TIMES Top 10 universities, 1 from Durham University and 1 from Warwick University. In addition, 11 offers arrived from prestigious universities such as the University of Southampton, University of Birmingham, and University of York.

CA 加拿大

We received 22 admission letters from Canada, 18 of which were from the top 10 universities in the medical science category. So far, one of our students received an invitation from McGill University, the most prestigious university in the field of medical science. Aside from that, University of Toronto, which ranks second on the list, has extended its welcome to 7 of our students. The percentage of acceptances from the top 10 universities in the medical science category has reached an astounding 80%.

HK 中国香港地区

Our students received 2 offers from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the City University of Hong Kong.。

AU 澳大利亚

There were 6 offers from Australia, all from the top 8 universities in Australia.


Sincere congratulations to all the students and faculty in the SCLS Class of 2023!

For those of you who feel inspired by these success stories, know that you all have the power to write your own exciting chapters in your lives. The future lies in our hands, and I look forward to the day when our 2023 SCLSers carry on their path with all they’ve learnt from our school, spreading the ideals of Madame Soong Ching Ling to create a brighter and more prosperous world!


Application Information


Domestic Division High School



International Divison Middle and High School
