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宋校读书角 I 在阅读的世界,尽情天马行空





9 月 18 日,我们有幸邀请到屡获殊荣的作家兼插画家赖嘉晟(Trevor Lai)先生与国际部小学的孩子们进行了一场有趣新奇,幽默创意的读书交流活动。

赖嘉晟先生自17岁出版第一本书以来,已创作和绘制了30多本儿童图书,其中包括《Piggy and Tomo》系列。目前,他也是 Up Studios 的首席执行官,同时担任《超级波米》和《小猪佩奇》的导演。

On Monday, September 18, Trevor Lai visited our school and PSID students had a chance to meet the multi-talented author and illustrator of Piggy and Tomo books.  


Trevor Lai first visited Soong Ching Ling School in 2011 and talked about his first few books then. Now with over 30 published books, a hit television show, and a brand new card game, students and teachers alike were inspired by his talk about The Power of Imagination.  


Lai talked about how his love for reading inspired him to start writing stories. After his books got published, he later dreamed of turning his characters into cartoon animation. Currently the CEO of Up Studios, he now directs the episodes for Super Boomi and Piggy. 


He also shared his new project with our students and everyone is excited to have their hands on Pawsum, a card game featuring dogs and cats trying to win affection. 


Lai also stressed the importance of brainstorming and taking inspiration from everyday things when one gets stuck on ideas. He showed students how he can make characters by asking the audience what they ate for breakfast. “It was cool. My favorite part was seeing him draw,” said Maxx, a student from 5th grade. 


Lai’s talk on The Power of Imagination was inspirational and was perfectly aligned with the focus on our students’ first unit on Well-being. PSID students had a great time with Trevor Lai and have learned how perseverance can lead them to achieving their dreams.