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宋校毕业季|与风飞扬:孙海风 2024届高中毕业生





2024届毕业生 孙海风

in the wind


Trinity College Dublin


The University of British Columbia


University of California, Davis


University of California, Irvine


I stood on the school's track


where I often listened to the sound of the wind blowing past my ears while running



Fifteen years have passed like a fleeting moment. It feels like everything has been spent in a sprint. Now finally facing the moment of leaving this familiar track behind me, deep emotions and boundless gratitude surge within me.



I am grateful for the companionship of my classmates, who ran alongside me on the track.


The long-distance running training activities we organized spontaneously are my most unforgettable memories. After school, and sometimes before lunch, we would meet on the track and run in a world of freedom. Whether it was scorching summer or freezing winter, we always motivated each other, strictly following our own training plans, and overcame laziness, fatigue, and difficulties together. Every sprint and breakthrough made us more confident and resilient, enriching my high school life with a sense of achievement and joy.



I am also grateful for the inclusiveness of our school.


To provide us with more opportunities for development, our school introduced fitness classes and built a full-equipped gymnasium. These initiatives allowed me and my classmates to gather at the gym, working hard and exercising between our studies. We paid more attention to physical health and cultivated a positive attitude towards life and healthy habits.


The inclusiveness of after-school activities on our campus gave us the opportunity to develop our interests and cultivate qualities like perseverance. What could be happier than growing together with classmates, inundated with beloved subjects and activities?



I am very grateful for the selfless support and encouragement of my teachers.

在我多年的学习生涯中,我得到了许多老师的支持和关怀。罗老师是我的语文老师,她不仅关心我的学业,还鼓励我在长跑方面发展,她的言传身教使我深受启发,激发了我对长跑的热爱和追求;在升学过程中,李明老师和Yager老师担任我的升学顾问,他们给予我无私的帮助和指导,无论是大学申请还是文书写作,他们总是耐心地与我交流,为我提供宝贵的建议和指导;数学林老师和化学Mr. Nikola为我的理科学习提供了有力的支持和帮助,让我对自己有了更清晰的了解。

Throughout my years of study, I have received support and care from many teachers. Mrs. Luo, my Chinese teacher, not only cared about my academic performance but also encouraged my development in long-distance running. Her words and actions inspired me and ignited my passion and pursuit of this goal. During the college application process, Mr. Leo Li and Mr. Yager served as my college counselors, selflessly providing me with help and guidance. Whether it was university applications or essay-writing, they always patiently communicated with me and offered valuable advice. Mr. Lin in mathematics and Mr. Nikola provided strong support and assistance for me when I learned mathematics and sciences, giving me a clearer understanding of myself.



Lastly, I am grateful for the companionship provided by Shanghai Soong Ching Ling School International Division (SCLSID) over the past 15 years. Here, I’ve grown up in warm classrooms, a beautiful campus, and countless campus activities, building collective memories with other students. I firmly believe that the knowledge, relationships, and character I have gained will become a solid foundation for whatever future paths I will run along. None of this would have been possible without SCLSID, which I will always consider my second home.



The footprints I’ve left behind and the memories of my growth will forever be engraved at SCLSID. I thank my alma mater for providing me with a rich and diverse campus life and for cultivating my perseverance and helping me pursue my dreams. With a heart full of gratitude, longing, and anticipation for the future, I will sprint forward on a new journey.

Authors 撰稿:Jarod Sun 孙海风

Sponsor Teachers指导老师:罗剑青、Mr. Josh Yager