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宋校毕业季|我的艺术成长之路:江睿妍 2024届高中毕业生



My Artistic Journey


2024届毕业生 江睿妍



Rhode Island School of Design 


Pratt Institute


School of the Art Institute of Chicago


California College of the Arts











我真想对那时的自己说:Thinking not just acting.漫无边界的勤勉是一种糊弄自己的勤勉,不该用行动上的勤奋掩盖思想上的懒惰。事实也同样告诉我,压迫地自律,过度的努力往往难以取得理想的结果。直到结束,我才意外发现这场考试并不像想象的那么重要。即便没有这些习题,只要明确自己的方向,照样走得漂亮。感谢宋校宽松的气氛和爱护,让我能够自我发现和成长。









 Be Creative


Mr. Dordevic Milos







This year marks my 12th year at Shanghai Soong Ching Ling School International Division (SCLSID), and also my final year. Looking back at the photos from elementary school, those scenes and moments are still vivid in my mind. The campus is filled with scenes of playfulness with my childhood friends, and occasionally, passing by these locations, those memories come rushing back. From elementary to high school, I've made countless rounds here. This companionship at SCLSID has been the most precious gift, providing enough warmth for me to grow freely without fear.

Embarking on My Artistic Path

I loved art class the most in elementary school. My art teacher, Ms. Huang, recalled me in my childhood, saying that I was very quiet when drawing and my strokes were delicate, reflecting a typical young girl's style. My personality was forever captured by the canvas. As an introverted individual, unable to find my place in crowds, I found solace in the blank paper, submerging my restrained emotions into the world beneath my pen. Colors, lines, compositions—every step felt carefully arranged, and I feared to knock down even a single brick or tile of the new world I was constructing.

As my interest in art gradually emerged, my school, classmates, teachers, and family all encouraged me to delve deeper into art studies. Through their support, I was inundated with a serene and profound sense of companionship within the school. It manifested in moments of shared creation, silent understandings during critiques, and unspoken affirmations from staff. Gradually, my techniques became more proficient, and my art more vivid. With visible progress, my confidence further blossomed.

Breaking Through the Barrier of Doubt

However, every time I entered an art gallery, none of the artworks seemed constrained by realism. This prompted me to reflect: what standards do we use to measure good art? Clearly, the stairs I thought I was steadily climbing crumbled into rubble.

I needed to find new tools! I attempted to stimulate my imagination through activities like reading texts and watching dramas. 

However, there always seemed to be a vast gap between ideas and execution, with my abilities never quite meeting my aesthetic aspirations.Often, I found myself trapped in the process of overthinking, struggling to translate my ideas into concrete works. Despite continual engagement with art, I couldn't grasp its essence. What conditions define good art? What is the significance of my pursuit? Such self-doubts occasionally surfaced, drowning my creativity.

As the only student pursuing pure art in my cohort during the college application period, it was challenging to stand firm against the tide. My peers' interests and goals were entirely different from mine, often making it difficult for me to focus on my own tasks. I found myself caught up in unnecessary anxieties, spending a considerable amount of time worrying about my grades and exams, neglecting my portfolio, which deserved more attention.

I wish I could tell my past self: "Think, don’t just act." To me, boundless diligence is a way of fooling oneself, and diligence in action should not mask laziness in thought. Indeed, oppressive self-discipline and excessive effort may still often fail to yield ideal results. It was only at the end of my application process that I unexpectedly discovered that exams weren't as vital to my path as I had once feared. Even without them, as long as I had a clear direction, I could still walk along my own beautiful path. I am grateful for the relaxed atmosphere and care at SCLSID, which allowed me to discover myself and grow.

I knew I couldn't excel in both academic and artistic pursuits simultaneously, but I had been quite worried that if I slackened in my studies, I might become the stereotypical "artistic talent with poor grades." In fact, I didn't need to prove to anyone that my pursuit of art was due to any academic shortcomings. In the midst of unprecedented academic competition among teenagers, I quietly felt that grades became a sort of personality certificate for most people. However, SCLSID taught us: "All roads lead to Rome."

Companionship on my Artistic Journey

My teachers' companionship was indispensable as I became more focused on art. Mr. Dordevic, my art teacher, has been of great help to me in fine-tuning my creative process. Not only did he often inspire me intellectually, but he also always came up with ingenious ways to help me solve technical problems in specific production processes. For example, while preparing for my performance art piece, I needed to step on stones dipped in ink and print them on paper spread on the ground. However, the paint would either dry too quickly, making it impossible to continue printing, or dry too slowly with too much fluidity. So, Mr. Dordevic directly prepared a special type of paint for me, and it succeeded on my first attempt.

In addition to Mr. Dordevic, I've encountered many other excellent teachers at SCLSID. They are not just conveyors of knowledge, but also mentors and partners on my life's journey. In my final year, in Ms. Yimi's "Novel Reading and Criticism" class, we shared readings, experiences, expressions, and writings together. Literature and art have many similarities; they both help people resist loneliness. In Ms. Jo's counseling room, which is the loveliest space in the school, I gained deeper insights into myself, understanding the relationship between emotions and the self. The importance of psychological learning cannot be ignored, as art serves as a medium for self-expression. There's also Ms. Jiang in the library, with whom I shared thoughts on reading, music, and many other topics! 

Regarding the teacher-student relationship, I've heard a saying before: "The teacher-student relationship is not only about mutual interaction or exchange of knowledge, but rather, starting from the individual student, the teacher forges a relationship in which the teacher can accommodate the student’s free will and awaken his/her instinct for self-improvement.” On SCLSID’s campus, I have met many such teachers.

At SCLSID, I’ve learned that creativity mustn't ever stop! Otherwise, you'll turn into a chimpanzee.

Teacher's Message

Mr. Dordevic Milos

Annie is a remarkably mature artist, displaying a level of independence and dedication that is rare among students her age. Her insatiable thirst for observation, analysis, and appreciation of the world around her has inspired many within our school community. She possesses deep insights into the world, which she reflects through her art, consistently demonstrating remarkable proficiency across various artistic mediums. Annie Jiang is a person who observes, creates, inspires, and gets inspired, truly embodying the essence of an artist.

Mr. John Zhang 

Annie is a remarkably creative and imaginative student. Despite being quiet in everyday interactions, she consistently brings unique ideas and insights to class activities. While her focus is on art and design, her curiosity and passion extend to various subjects, including mathematics and physics. These wide-ranging interdisciplinary interests enrich her learning journey with colorful diversity.

Ms. Sophia Wang

Annie has the most artistic temperament in any student I have ever met: exquisite, sensitive, authentic, and compassionate. Not only is she a talented artist, but she is also profoundly thoughtful, with unique insights into the inner and external world. She is the kind of student who reflected on the true meaning of her future career, used performance art to criticize Chinese test-oriented education, and enjoyed reading books in the corner. Even in the noisy school cafeteria, she can delve into speculative philosophy books like The Art of Loving.  Annie also dedicates herself to her beloved school community. Many unique and delicate designs showcased in our school activities are Annie’s creations. May you retain your curiosity and interesting soul as you wander around the world of art! 

Authors 撰稿:Annie Jiang 江睿妍

Sponsor Teachers指导老师:张昊旻、Mr. Josh Yager