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TEDx SoongChingLingSchool

TEDxSoongChingLingSchool | Passing On the Torch 星星之火,可以燎原


    Young but Influential     


The spotlight on the stage shifts to us. Gen Z should realize Youth is not a limiting factor for influence. Therefore, TEDxSCLS organized the event around the theme, “Young but Influential,” to motivate more young people to find their passion and influence.


The Show Must Go On


Due to the sudden outbreak of COVID, members of the TEDxSCLS ECA worked strenuously over the past three months. Despite the challenges, our first-ever online event demonstrated unparalleled confidence and professionalism. Whether the speakers who shared their inspirational ideas and experiences or the teams that worked behind the scenes, everyone contributed to bringing the event to the next level. As a result, TEDxSCLS has made significant breakthroughs:

1. First-ever online event!

2. 500+ people signed up for the event.

3. 300+ people watched the event simultaneously.



1. 前所未有的线上活动!

2. 500多人报名参加!

3. 300多人同时观看!

We Have More To Say


Sophia Ji – Grade 10, Lead Organizer and Speaker of the Event

“As the lead organizer, the greatest challenge is planning how the event will run online. We experimented with multiple platforms and encountered many technical issues. Plans after plans went into the trash before forming a feasible one. Although the online format limits interactions, with this experience, I can organize and assist other virtual events, such as the Student Council election. I am also genuinely proud of our team, which everyone completed their work with brilliance over a stressful period!”


Abigail Hu – Grade 8, Speaker and Executive Managers Team

“I think the hardest thing for me was balancing the executive manager's and the speaker's assignments. Many plans were overthrown due to the online format, so we had to find alternatives. We reached out to teachers and brainstormed for activities. On the other hand, as a speaker, I struggled with recording the speech. I kept messing up with a sentence, paragraph, or gesture, which I had to start again. I must have ended up with at least twenty or more clips on my phone until my video matches the desired quality.”

“我认为对我来说最困难的是平衡执行经理和演讲者的任务。一方面,由于线上活动的形式,许多计划被推翻,所以我们需要寻找替代方案。我们为活动集思广益并联系了相关老师,也展开了很多次头脑风暴。另一方面,作为演讲者,我在录制演讲时遇到了最大的困难 —— 一直忘词,做错手势,所以必须不断地重录。为了使演讲达到理想的质量,我的手机里至少有20多个视频。”

Elizabeth Li – Grade 9, Video & Production Team

“I enjoyed every bit of the event preparation, but we encountered many difficulties. 10 minutes before the event started, the video was not ready. I was so nervous that I prayed for the event to run smoothly. Preparing an online event was arduous, but it enriched my experience and made me love video production even more! At the same time, I learned to stay calm when I encountered an emergency. A big thank you to the members of TEDxSCLS for presenting an impeccable night!”


Lucy Wu – Grade 12, Speech Coach

“The words, persistence and innovation, describe our event this semester: we have persevered through the difficulties brought by COVID and organized the first-ever online TEDxSCLS event. It was an unforgettable and treasured experience for all of us. Thank you to the team members that made it possible.”


Joy Jin – Grade 12, Tech Lead

“We faced many technical challenges as we transitioned to an online format. The first issue is collaboration on video editing. We had to hack together a solution for sharing video projects, which is neither elegant nor convenient, but at least it worked. Then, we needed to assess and ensure the reliability of live streaming, which is frustratingly difficult and downright impossible. Thus, we proposed and tested multiple plans of event format and backup solutions, many of which sound nice on paper but did not work out in the end. Due to the additional workload, we were also editing videos until the last minute (the last hour, to be honest), and because of an editing mistake on my end, we need to switch to plan B. Nevertheless, it was a very successful event overall.”


Miguel Valdes – Sponsor Teacher

“It has been a challenging semester for TEDx organizers and speakers, given the circumstances and that it had to be planned as an online event. Nevertheless, such a challenge gave everyone involved a double impulse and made the results even more remarkable!”


Kristin Espanola – Sponsor Teacher

“The hugest problem for our event this year was the challenge for our speakers to write and record their speeches on their own. However, this setback is just a testament to our club members' incredible talent and dedication to the live event. The power of teamwork, vision, and passion of our TEDx team was present during our Livestream!”


Thank You!


Without this powerful team and the meticulous work they had put in, the event would not have been successful! The members have demonstrated how “young but influential” we are, from planning, and preparation, to the live stream event. Thank you to all the members and teachers who helped us during this difficult period!


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Organizing an online event successfully and surpassing our records were exceedingly difficult, but we did it! Even though we could not hear the applause from the audience this time, we could see your passion and support from the comments and ‘likes!’


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On the



The third TEDxSCLS ended on a high note. It is up to us to make an impact on the world. It is up to our thinking and actions to influence and change the world into a better place.

The spotlight is right over there. Run toward it bravely!



See you next year!


Meet Our Team 我们的团队

Lead Organizer 主领导者:Sophia Ji

Co-organizer 副领导者:Jiayu Wang

Sponsor teachers 指导老师:Miguel Valdes, Kristin Espanola

Speech Coach 演讲指导:Lucy Wu

Event Host 主持人:Jason Yeh

Tech Team 技术顾问:Joy Jin, Matthew Fernandez Sobo

Executive Managers 执行经理:Hazelle Lin, Abigail Hu, Sammi Chi

Communication & Marketing Directors 沟通与宣传:Alan Tsoi, Jennifer Ji, Anna Wang, Megan Liu (Domestic Division)

Designers 设计师:Cleo Gu, Naomi Kim, Judy Li, Vicky Le

Video & Production Lead 视频剪辑组:Elizabeth Li, Ariel Lei, Emma Gonzalez-Cueto, Louis Hao

Speakers 演讲者:Emma Gonzalez-Cueto, Rainbow Gu, Sophia Ji, Jiayu Wang, Stella Xie (Domestic Division), Louis Hao, Abigail Hu, Cherry Shen, Emmanuelle Jia

Author 撰稿: Alan Tsoi(学生), Sophia Ji(学生)

Translation 翻译: Megan Liu (中国部学生)

Edited by 排版: Jennifer Ji(学生)

Photography by 摄影: 张玉佳、Sophia Ji(学生)、Emma Gonzalez Cueto(学生)

Interviewees 受访人: Sophia Ji(学生), Sr. Valdes, Ms. Espanola, Lucy Wu(学生), Joy Jin(学生), Elizabeth Li(学生), Abigail Hu(学生)