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宋校毕业季丨“音”你而精彩,逐梦再出发:杨研 2023届高中毕业生


“音”你而精彩  逐梦再出发


    Richard Yang杨研


University of Toronto 多伦多大学

Queen’s University 女王大学

University of Sydney 悉尼大学

University of New South Wales

 (UNSW) 新南威尔士大学

McMaster University 麦克马斯特大学

University of Dalhousie 达尔豪斯大学($20,000奖学金)

University of Ottawa 渥太华大学

University of Victoria 维多利亚大学


The 12 years I spent at Soong Ching Ling School have left me with countless unforgettable moments.


My most valued memory in high school started on the day in 2019 when a group of beginner vocalists and innocent instrumentalists were placed together in a music room with a cheap drum and a wooden guitar. On that day, we were told to form a band from scratch. From a young drummer's perspective, I must admit that our experience was tough. Each of the instrumentalists weren’t familiar with each other, and we had to use our very limited music knowledge to rehearse pieces. We all felt stress from not being able to collaborate well despite wanting to play music perfectly.  


As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. Time and effort shaped our band from a group of immature musicians into an organization with experienced instrumentalists and vocalists who can generate their own shared understandings and achievements in the field of music. The last period of every Thursday afternoon gradually transformed into our wonderful rehearsal time; from initially being disconnected strangers to becoming a harmonious team, we have built up increasing trust and shared the joy of music together. The source of this perseverance came from the strong self-driving force gradually cultivated in us as students at SCLSID.

我要感谢我们乐队的组织人Sophia Ji和所有的成员,包括Kelvin、Eika、Annie、Amy、Rhema、Alice和Anton,以及过去的成员Joy、Ericson和Jessie,是大家共同的努力造就了如今的我们。在我即将毕业之时,我很高兴能在身边看到许多天赋异禀的音乐学生能够来接代我的位置。其中作为第二届鼓手的任品诺具备着出色的能力和不可低估的天赋,而她同样是在宋校这个大环境中成长起来的,这使我更加相信,宋校国际部流行乐队的这些美好精神、信念、快乐和幸福,一定会一届一届传承下去。

Four years have passed since our first practice session, and our band has now performed countlessly on-stage performances. With all this accumulated experience, I would now proudly describe our band as mature and able to compose a variety of music styles and pieces. I would like to thank our primary leader, Sophia Ji, and all the precious current members including Kelvin, Eika, Annie, Amy, Rhema, Alice, and Anton, Penny, as well as the past members: Jessie, Ericson, and Joy. We would not have reached our current level without all your contributions.  The wide range of our members’backgrounds and the broad representation across grade levels makes me confident that the beautiful spirit of SCLS’international rock band will continue to be passed down each year.


Shifting my perspective back to my personal academic experience, I must admit that there were some times when I also experienced a certain level of stress. However, these experiences ended up becoming meaningful building blocks of my personal development. Years ago, when I underwent a difficult period during which I was repeatedly challenged by pressure and setbacks that made me feel hopeless, I learned life lessons that were both painful and valuable, collectively building me up into a capable young adult ready to head out into the world.  Now, I am looking forward to join the community at University of Toronto, and I feel grateful to the university for providing me with such an opportunity. 




It's impossible for me to separate achieving this  ideal offer from my unremitting efforts throughout my childhood, let alone the care and nurture of my teachers from beginning to end. Just like when I formed a band, over the past 12 years, SCLS has provided me various exploration opportunities in academics. I gradually began to recognize my true interests and strengths, and also developed good learning habits and enthusiasm toward learning. Through this process, my choice for future studies has gradually become clear: the CCIT major at the University of Toronto is my next goal. CCIT is a brand-new media major in the field of social sciences, and Toronto's Mississauga campus is renowned for this program. What attracts me most about CCIT is its application of modern technology and its interaction with fields such as communication and media, making it stand out among traditional social science majors and inspiring my expectations for learning about media and accumulating technological skills. Throughout my college application process, SCLSID provided me with outstanding guidance and highly respected my personal choices and wishes. In the end, all of this helped me successfully obtain my dream offer.


Although I must say farewell to my alma mater soon, I am thankful for those individuals who have assisted me and provided me with lifelong memories. My years here have shaped me into who I am today, and a vision of my future has slowly unfolded in front of me. No matter what difficulties and challenges arise, I will approach these precious opportunities with an optimistic, open, and resilient attitude of cooperation. 

撰稿 | 杨研 Richard Yang

中文稿指导 | 张昊旻Yimi Zhang,宣传中心

英文稿指导 | Josh Yager

摄影 | 杨研 Richard Yang,宣传中心