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IDMSHS|Chinese Culture Festival

Dec 04,2023

On October 18th 2023, following this summer's "Home Language Festival," SCLS ID MSHS celebrated the Chinese Culture Festival during the harvest season. 


What do you think of when you think of Chinese culture? Is it Peking Opera, calligraphy, the Great Wall, or the Forbidden City? Is it the poems, songs, or the colorful art pieces? 

In fact, behind all this colorful literature and art, there lies the core of Chinese culture. As students of SCLS ID, we learn about Chinese culture through hands-on activities.

In this festival, students from all grades presented what they had learned through plays, paintings, chants, songs, and dances, exhibiting the full beauty of Chinese culture. 


When studying Tao Yuanming's "Drinking Wine V,” we know that "harmony between humanity and nature" was a common pursuit of ancient people. Poets often expressed their sentiment through detailing vast landscapes using their brushes and ink, in the form of colorful works of literature and art.

The Grade 7 and Grade 9 students brought their original recitation of "The Four Seasons in My Eyes" and the song and dance performance of “Prelude to Water Melody” by Su Shi, which led them into the romantic world of Chinese poetry and painting.  

China's 5,000 years of cultural history has been passed down from each generation to the next, and our sense of belonging to the Chinese nation plays an irreplaceable part in this. In history class, students learned about men and women who sacrificed their lives for their ideals; in language class, they also learned how to care for our society through first caring for our campus. 

Our love and care for our country was fully displayed in the historical dramas presented by the 8th grade, "Jing Ke Assassinating the King of Qin" and the "New Discoveries of SCLS.”

In addition, the 6th-grade textbook play "The Bridge" depicted the story of a village head who saves his fellow villagers from a crisis, bringing the atmosphere of the event to a climax.  

Undoubtedly, our youth is the most memorable, passion-filled time in our lives. 

Now, we set foot on this same journey ourselves while we listened to the "Song of Youth" performed by 10th-grade students.In this moment, we stirred up the passion of youth and let our poetic spirits soar high in the air!


In the Ancient Poetry Finals, five teams competed against each other, each consisting of the top five students from grades 6-10 following grade-level auditions. 

Preparations for the event's preliminary rounds had already begun early in the summer break, with students from each grade making their proposals, followed by a classroom audition at the start of the school year, with the final selection of five shining stars representing each grade level!


The competition was intense, as every group proved themselves to be sharp and quick-witted. In the end, the "Riding Wind and Breaking Waves" team rose as the victor, though the other teams performed equally as brilliantly. 

Dear Principal Feng and Dr. Zhang Yan, Principal of the International Division Middle and High Schools, presented medals to the teams.  

Special thanks

The Chinese Cultural Festival was a spectacular event, and we are even prouder knowing that more than 190 students from all over SCLS ID participated in the performances, both on stage and behind the scenes. Our collective wisdom and hard work brought together this autumn cultural festival!


In "Youth," Li Dazhao wrote, "With the youthful me, I will create a youthful family, a youthful country, a youthful nation, a youthful mankind, a youthful earth, and a youthful universe." Chinese culture has a long-lived history, and while we continue to march together with a youthful spirit, we shall also hold the teachings of Chinese culture given to us by SCLS close to our hearts, paving the path for a vibrant future!

Reporters|Cindy, Emma, Julia


Editor|Dr. Weiting Chen, Andrew R. Cao

Layout and Photo by|Publicity Center

Proofreaders | Yimi, Josh Yager