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TEDx SoongChingLingSchool

TEDx SoongChingLingSchool | A Resounding Success

Mar 17,23








The first TEDxSoongChingLingSchool event rang down the curtain successfully at Soong Ching Ling School Theater on May 28th,2021.


Everything you need to Know


In this diverse and inclusive world,thousands of interesting and unusual things are happening. Therefore, the first TEDxSoongChingLingSchool’s theme was "Everything You Need To Know", which includes knowledge from a variety of subjects.


Through the lens of a children’s picture book, Sophia Ji taught us how to face our true selves: "Remember, 'Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive that is youer than you.'"

有的同学从摄影延展到我们应当不懈努力向前——“在全力以赴地尝试与体验中提升自己,才能从生活中获得最大的收获” -- Emma.

Emma Gonzalez-Cueto learned from her experience of trying photography that, "It's in those moments where we make an honest attempt, and learn about ourselves from the outcome, that we get the most out of our life."

涉及到社会问题,有的同学讲述了性别平等的主题——“‘只有卫生间才有性别之差。’现在是2021年,在新的时代里,不应当被性别不同而决定我们的人生,我们的未来,我们将成为什么样的人。”-- Jiayu.

Moving away from the individuals andembracing society as a whole, Jiayu Wang talked about the importance of gender equality. "'Gender is for the bathrooms, and nothing else.' We're in newtimes, a new era. This is 2021. It is long past the time where we let gender determine our lives, how we should be, who we can or cannot be."

还有同学关注每日陪伴着我们的宠物——“每个生命都是平等的,它们带给你喜悦与欢乐的泪水;它们让你的生活变得充实,还能将你从作业的深渊中拯救出来。请关爱所有动物!”-- Cherry

Showing love and care for animals that accompany us every day is also important. Just as Cherry Shen said, "Every pet is equal. They make you laugh;they make you cry with happiness; they make your heart swell with joy. They make your life fulfilled, they help you through life, if not rescue you from the abyss of homework. Please care about all animals!"


其中,Emmanuelle Jia在她的演讲中插播了一段“广告”,向观众们介绍了学生自发组织的环境保护项目,通过义卖、募捐等方式,为我们的社区种植更多树木。TEDx活动不止局限于演讲,更融合了多种表演形式。Sophia Ji在演讲最后为大家献上了一首原创曲目,从音乐的角度带给观众全新的体验。

The speakers elaborated extensively on how to live our lives, how to care after animals, how to view the mythical stories that impact our daily lives, how to boost scientific innovation, how to mitigate the adverse effects brought by climate changes, why should attain gender equality, etc.

Among the speeches, Emmanuelle Jia advocated for her class"Community Action Project" that targeted for environmental protection. They decided to make and sell handworks from the wastes they collected in natural environments. They were able to raise over 2000RMB anddonated all the proceeds to an organization to plant more trees in our community. Therefore, the audience weren’t just becoming aware of these issues,instead, they were participating in the project and making good efforts to saveour planet!

Furthermore, TEDx events are not restrained to speeches only. Instead, it champions for all types of performances! At the end of the speech, Sophia Ji played and sang her original song that ties closely to the "self and perfection" topic of her speech, giving the audience another unique experience through music.



第一届TEDx SoongChingLingSchool活动的成功源于台下无数次修改与排练。

The countless revisions and practices contributed to the success of the first TEDxSoongChingLingSchool event.


Everyone was working as hard as possible during those 3 months: asking teachers for suggestions for their speeches, modifying their speeches until the last moment, and practicing day and night for the final show. 

在TEDx SoongChingLingSchool的Onenote文档上至今可以看到许许多多的荧光闪烁 —— 呈现着无数老师和同学们的建议和修改记录。

The pages on the TEDxSoongChingLingSchool OneNote are covered with highlights and comments, including 5-6 drafts per speaker.

The Team Behind the Scenes



As our team consisted only of students,some committed for jobs working behind the curtains. They carried many heavy equipment in the theater during the show just to get some good shots of the speakers on stage. Some of them had two jobs, both a part of the production team and the speakers. Although some of them cannot shine on stage, their endeavors led to the success of their friends' speeches. Success belongs to everyone in the team.






When we saw the audience were absorbed in our speeches and were applauding and cheering for our speakers, we knew that they must have had a deep connection with the topics!

第一届活动完美落幕,演出结束观众纷纷留下建议与感想,也带给我们深深地启迪,相信有了这一次的经验,下一届TEDx SoongChingLingSchool将更加精彩、更加多样且具有启发性,承扬TED的精神:"值得分享的想法”!
As the first TEDxSoongChingLingSchool event, we still had a lot of room to improve. After the event, we asked the audience to leave their comments and thoughts on a whiteboard. We received a lot of praise as well as constructive suggestions. Having this experience, the next TEDxSoongChingLingSchool will be more fabulous, diverse, and inspirational.We will further pursue the spirit of TED: ideas worth spreading! See you all a tour next event!



2nd TEDx SoongChingLingSchool

今年十二月,同样的地方,不同的参与者,全新的主题,我们将为您再次呈现“TEDx Countdown” 系列演讲。Countdown译为倒计时,这是一次有关气候变化主题的演讲活动。气候变化应是全人类共同面对的问题,演讲者将为您介绍当代最先进、独特的方法以减轻并控制气候恶化。真诚地期待您的到来!
On December 10th, 2022, TEDxSoongChingLingSchool will present its second show on climate change named the"TEDx Countdown". Climate Change is a serious problem in this world that needs attention. Our students will present some possible new and innovative ways to help lessen the negative effects of climate change. We hope you can attend!

特别鸣谢/ Special Thanks To:

Mr. Laffont ---- TEDx ECA指导老师,在繁忙的工作中他仍然抽出时间修改所有的演讲稿,不断地给予反馈和鼓励,使整个团队的合作更加顺利、愉快!没有他,就不会有第一届TEDxSoongChingLingSchool的完美落幕!

Mr. Laffont ---- He is the instructor ofthe TEDx ECA. Under great pressure of teaching and marking his students’ schoolwork, he still helped all speakers to improve their speeches and made the collaborative progress more efficient and enjoyable! Without him, we wouldn’t have organized the first TEDxSoongChingLingSchool event successfully! Thank you so much, Mr. Laffont!


All Members of the first TEDxSoongChingLingSchool ECA:

指导老师Instructor: Alexis Laffont

团队领导Lead Organizer:Sophia Ji 

团队副领导Co-Organizer:Emma Gonzalez-Cueto

沟通与推广组Communications and Marketing Directors:Rainbow Gu, Lucy Wu,Emmanuelle Jia, Naima Qin 

执行经理组Executive Manager and Producers:Jiayu Wang, Annabelle Yu, Elaine Xiang, Rachel Chen 

视频制作组Video and Production Lead:Eric He, Jason Yeh, Ronald Ip, Yul Jiang

设计师组Designers:Jeremy Yong, Simon Wang, Benedict Yao

演讲者组Speakers:Emma Gonzalez-Cueto, David Sheng, Elaine Xiang, Patricia Zhang, Panya Zhu, Zoe Zheng, Annabelle Yu, Elisa Sandrieser, Jiayu Wang, Eric He, Jason Yeh, Emmanuelle Jia, Nono Chen, Cherry Shen, Lucy Wu, Sophia Ji


Edited:Rainbow Gu, Sophia Ji

Photography:Emma Gonzalez-Cueto, Jiayu Wang, Annabelle